Nowadays people are becoming “Fashion addicts”. It is furiously spreading like a virus in every nook and corner of the world. A vicious trend that keeps on changing every day leaving people crave for it. Acceptance of new designs, patterns, and colors of clothing, footwear, makeup, hairstyles, etc is fashion. People are getting crazy that they follow whatever is coming in their way without giving it a thought. As times are changing, people’s desire for fashion brands is increasing. The fashion industry has succeeded in fooling people around the globe. People have failed to understand the trap laid by the fashion world. Both men and women are craving for what is latest in the market. The moment they come to see a new brand they rush for it. According to the so-called fashion designers, outfits play an important role in a person’s life but other people believe that if one is wearing simple clothes but the intellect is high then it is really an appealing human trait. Today everyone is damn confused as to what to wear. When some people wear outdated clothes they are criticized and their outfit is not accepted in society. People relate fashion with modernity but these are false perceptions. One must be rational and their thoughts should be great that is what should be perceived as attractive and not what one is wearing. People are putting on mocking costumes and looking like jokers. They think of themselves as stars but it is totally a lie because the outer world thinks differently. People appreciate the right and decent outfits not which shows skin. The truth is that modern or western dressing sense cannot identify a person’s personality. But beliefs, intellect, and character speak volumes about a person. Ramp shows are being organized all over the world to misguide the youth. They are getting involved in these useless things neglecting the important things and values of life. The fashion industry is speeding up to make money by looting people. They are promoting nudity by tempting youngsters to go for revealing clothes. Fashion is being misunderstood by youngsters. Whatever the fashion industry displays on the platform is liked by youngsters.
Especially the students are so influenced by the fashion industry that they are not focusing on their studies. They are spending extra money on these useless things. Their focus on fashion is keeping them far from their goals. Any latest item available in the market is bought by these students even if the product is costly. People follow celebrities even if they wear futile stuffs. They keep on checking the latest trends of their favorite celebrities and imitate their fashion style. Teenagers become more interested in fashion than in academics which is a demerit to the nation. While this industry is booming, women’s bodies are being displayed on the platform by these fashion freaks for their own economic interests. Their minds have been brainwashed to promote vulgar fashion. This industry has sown the seeds of vulgarity in the youth. Women feel confident walking in fashion ramps but the bitter truth is that they are not looking good by doing these things. There is a war between the fashion industry and intellectual people. Intelligent people are not drawn towards vulgarity but they are attracted to modesty. Women argue when it comes to dressing sense but to the world, the most appealing woman is one who thinks before dressing up. Nations must get together and close this fashion world so that people are not misguided in the long run.
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