The laws have been made tough. Even ogling at a woman without reason for too long can incur a jail term. Calling women names, teasing them, pushing them around, singing a non-veg song in their company all come under the ambit of eve teasing and incur jail terms. A woman deserves to be addressed with a proper name and not with names like Jaanu, Dilbar, etc. We often see in offices that hard-working women are not called by their first name but rather with nicknames which is highly deplorable. According to the law of the land of a woman is required to work beyond 10 pm the office has to mandatorily provide her a cab. But this law is bypassed in a lot of cases and woman have to go to their homes in private cabs leading to a lot of unfortunate incidents.
In overcrowded buses especially the women have to face hell. The men with bad intentions touch their bodies and due to their lack of courage, the women never report such incidents. In a lot of offices, the bosses take undue advantage of hire and fire policy and try their level best to sexually exploit the girls. Fearing the loss of a job such events are hardly reported in the media.
Even though the laws have been made tough but the long implementation time and complex judicial process discourage a lot of women from taking the legal route. In a lot of places, the perpetrator is a close relative of the victim, and thus other relatives put unbearable pressure on the girl to prevent her from reporting the incident.
Even though with the women’s helpline number things have gone slightly better but still in places like Delhi, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, and Haryana things need a lot of improvement. Women’s security is an issue that needs the immediate attention of planners and the timely compliance of the legal process.
Free legal access can go a long way also in encouraging women to report such cases. Let us make South Asia the safest place for our women.
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