Victor Frankl writes in his world-famous masterpiece, Man’s Search For Meaning, “There are only two races of men in the world. The decent and the indecent people. They are everywhere; they penetrate into all groups of society. No group consists entirely of decent or indecent people.”
This is a great quote to begin with. It negates all other differences based on race, creed, colour and caste etc. and that is what the time demands now. All the differences which divide humankind can hardly be defended and supported in this world. Because many of them may lead to catastrophic results in the end. Humankind in these modern times has realised the truth that integration rather than differentiation is holding magnanimous fortune for this world. We are different that is the truth which we can not deny. There is no need even to deny this truth. The difference is the beauty of this world and not it’s an ugliness to be shunned or avoided. Our duty is rather to respect diversity and work for its better survival which shall be beneficial for all in this world. It means that everyone in this world whatever his or her gender, race, caste and religion might be, must be given equality of the opportunity to grow and develop.
As put forth by the above-mentioned author too, decency or indecency has nothing to do with any particular caste, creed, colour or race. We can find that decent as well as indecent people penetrated in all the different groups of our society. If we witness an indecent individual or even a number of individuals from a particular caste, it hardly means that the whole caste will be a group of indecent people only. Such stereotyping would be like an oceanic blunder to marginalize the whole caste or race etc. because of the indecency of some of its elements. It would be itself the worst form of indecency.
We have to understand that to multiply the decency in this world we have to integrate more and more people rather than hating whole groups because of some individual behaviours.
The indecent people have many things in common. They may be different also from one another but their hallmark is their indecent behaviour and attitude. Some of them abuse others and use violent means without any justification.
Eve teasing has become one of the worst forms of indecency in our societies. All around us, we can witness young boys harass women folk and it has become the worst menace in our society. We have to teach our young ones how to respect and have the proper regard for our females. They are not mere things to play with. If we can check the number of physical and mental abuses against our girls and women, we would certainly be able to multiply decency and abate indecency in our society.
The indecency spread all around by some people through social networking sites is also one of the worst challenges we face nowadays. Freedom of expression hardly means that we shall preach indecency in a shameless manner. These social networking sites might be used for better means if we work skillfully and more responsibly.
Decent people have the common duty to fight against indecent behaviours like child abuse, drug menace and all kinds of other violent attitudes to reduce the efficacy of indecency and multiply the blessing of decency. That will be the real guarantee for this world to survive and thrive.
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