By: Amir Shafi
A person with mental torment locks himself in a fictional self-made prison with no walls and windows. When the heart and brain confront and an unending futile debate begins, the heart frequently repeats the same questions, the brain is continuously trying to defend and boost emotional intelligence by giving all possible explanations and justifications, but the heart always denies and points out little stupid mistakes (overthinking) when the brain gets exhausted and faints away, fails drawing any conclusions right at this point debate finally terminates tragically, by giving headlines to the media like 20 years old boy committed suicide by hanging, 25 years old youth jumped over the bridge into Jhelum, etc.
Suicide is death caused by injuring oneself with the intent to die. The age group of young adults (18-26) accounted for 67% of total suicides In India it means out of the total 139k suicides annually 93k were young adults. There are so many reasons why only during early adulthood, Young adulthood is the time period in our life when we are a ball of fire, full of energy and enthusiasm, but lacking real mental maturity (wisdom) which makes us more vulnerable to failures, contributes more instability in making proper discussion. Furthermore, life gives a touch of responsibility and self-reliance and begins to teach more strong and complicated definitions of life.
Our perspective, view of looking, and understanding things changes, life begins to unfold and reveal new harsh realities of life, and childish instincts (innocence and fragility) slowly begin to fade away from our hearts. All these things create coercion and directly affect our mental health. In the current epoch in which we are breathing, the world is developing and changing at a rapid pace, new inventions and discoveries have eased life but concurrently make us emotionally and physically weak. Today in a trice we can connect to the person who is living at the edge of the world, but we have no time to communicate with the person setting under our noses of ours. who( victim) is feeling lost and lonely who wants to talk, who has to say something nor friends nor society, not even parents are ready to listen, everyone is lost in the world of their own today’s man is more vulnerable to the physical and mental disease, mobile phones confined every age group to the four walls of the room.
Teenagers spend hours playing video games and watching movies. which makes them idle and dispassionate in getting engaged in any physical activity and sports. Whereas performing physical activities, playing offline games is the finest way to grapple with depression and mental Trauma because while playing our brain begins to Release feel-good endorphins and other natural brain chemicals that can enhance our sense of well-being. Taking our minds off worries so we can get away from the cycle of negative thoughts that feed depression and anxiety. A 2017 study estimated that 792 million people lived with a mental health disorder of some kind, 10.7% of the global population. so it means every single individual out of 10 is suffering from some serious mental Trauma, which finally engenders suicide. Committing suicide is not child’s play it is the most daring or maybe most stupid/insane thing to do, but there is some obscure and inconspicuous force that pushes a person on the edge of ignorance, where he becomes incompetent to distinguish between life and death.
Here we can conclude that we can save a precious life at individual levels through our little acts of kindness by talking to sufferers politely listing to them, by spending time with them. Chose your words carefully, you never know what consequences and effects your words can leave on another person (positive/negative). The tongue can cut faster and deeper than the sword. It is the duty of everyone as a member of civilizing society to give hope, and spread love and positivity. Word hope reminded me of Emily Dickinson’s poem “hope is the thing with feathers”. In which she says the hope is like some bird that rests and lives within our soul and never let’s die our enthusiasm for living. It is hoped that keeps us alive in the darkest and toughest hours of life. Make your presence a reason for someone’s smile.
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