They are working in the most difficult of times. The healthcare workers are in the front-line of the worst pandemic humanity has seen in about last hundred years. The whole world is closed and the health care workers including those working in laboratories, the assistants, the nurses, the pharmacists and doctors are working round the clock to ensure there are minimum casualties.
In this regard doctors and nurses need cooperation from our end. We have observed that sometimes due to a small communication gap there are arguments right there in the ward between doctors and the attendants. The attendants have to understand that the ward is not a picnic spot but a place where the diseased get treated and hopefully recuperate.
Sometimes our expectations from doctors are too high. We must understand that they too are doctors just like us. In this regard the recent amendment to the century old Act making attacks on healthcare workers a non-bailable offence. Healthcare workers are our front-line warriors in the disease against Covid-19. We must respect the kind of sacrifices they are putting in this regard and must have the courtesy to be kind to them in this hour of need.
In Kashmir, the doctors are working with utmost dedication. We must listen to their complaints. The doctors can perform only when we give them the right uniform, the requisite gadgets and necessary tools.
It is amazing that note that in some residential societies in mainland India doctors are not even allowed to enter when their shift ends. This is harassment of our warriors and strict action must be taken against anyone involved in such a thing.
Doctors are human beings like us. Like us, they too make mistakes and errors. While our errors get hidden from the society theirs is highlighted owing to the nature of their work. We must behave like nice citizens and give doctors their due.
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