Ignorance, often deemed bliss, is a sentiment we’ve all encountered in our lives. The idea that being unaware of certain truths can provide a sense of contentment and happiness is intriguing. However, as the veil of ignorance lifts and reality dawns, we may grapple with profound regret for the pleasures derived from ignorance.
The Pleasures of Ignorance: In the embrace of ignorance, we often find comfort. It shields us from the harshness of reality, the weight of responsibility, and the burden of knowledge. Ignorance becomes a sanctuary where we indulge in simple pleasures, free from the complexities of the world. This blissful state allows us to live in the moment, without dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.
The Painful Awakening: However, reality cannot be ignored forever. The awakening can be triggered by various life events – the stark truth about a relationship, a profound realization about one’s health, or a sudden understanding of societal injustices. This awakening can be a rude shock, shattering the comforting cocoon of ignorance.
The Regret of Lost Bliss: As reality dawns, the initial pleasure of ignorance can turn into deep regret. Regret for not having acted sooner, for not making better choices, and for squandering precious time in blissful ignorance. It’s a regret that can linger, casting a shadow over our lives.
The Power of Knowledge: Yet, it’s important to acknowledge that ignorance is not a sustainable or healthy way to live. Knowledge, even when painful, empowers us to make informed decisions and inspires change. While awakening may bring regret, it also brings the opportunity for growth, meaning, and purpose in our lives.
Islam and the Pursuit of Knowledge: In Islamic thought, the pursuit of knowledge is highly valued. The first word revealed to the Holy Prophet as a revelation of the Holy Qur’an was “Iqra,” which translates to “read in the name of the Lord.” This was a call to the believers, the Muslims, to seek knowledge and remove darkness from their lives and the lives of others. Yet, as history has shown, not all Muslims responded positively to this call.
AllamaIqbal, the famous revolutionary poet, used his poetry to inspire Muslims towards education. In one of his poems, he expressed surprise at the lack of progress in education and civilization among the Muslim community, despite the fact that their journey towards knowledge and enlightenment began with the word ‘Iqra’ (Read!). He was trying to encourage Muslims to rediscover their love for learning and to strive towards greater educational and cultural achievements.”
Instead, some chose to ignore the message and remain in the dark, listening to the “Kathas” and “Dastans” of others, including anti-Islam non-Muslim propagandists, ignorant Muslim preachers, politicians, writers, and culturalists.
The Role of Knowledge in Islam: Islamic tradition emphasizes that understanding the implications of rulings, like those found in the Qur’an and hadith, requires deep knowledge. Scholars dedicate years to studying the Qur’an and hadith to establish principles for understanding the shari’ah (Islamic law).
The Responsibility of Laypersons: For those who are not scholars, seeking knowledge is encouraged. When faced with complex questions related to Islam, it’s essential to consult reputable scholars. The Quran instructs believers to “ask the people of knowledge if you do not know” (Surah Al-Anbiya: vs. 7). Some research is required to ensure the credibility of the scholar you consult.
Tailpiece: The paradox of ignorance and knowledge is a complex facet of the human experience. It underscores the value of knowledge and the importance of living intentionally, even if it means confronting uncomfortable truths. While the transition from blissful ignorance to the reality of life can be painful, it can also be transformative and ultimately lead to a more fulfilling existence. In the end, wisdom often outweighs the fleeting pleasures of ignorance.
- Embracing Knowledge: Embracing knowledge is a fundamental aspect of personal growth, intellectual development, and our ability to navigate the complexities of the world. Here are some key points to consider:
- Empowerment: Knowledge empowers individuals to make informed decisions and take control of their lives.
- Critical Thinking: Knowledge fosters critical thinking, enabling the evaluation of information and the avoidance of bias.
- Personal Growth: Learning leads to personal growth and a sense of accomplishment.
- Adaptation: Knowledge allows for adaptability in a rapidly changing world.
- Problem Solving: Knowledge equips individuals with problem-solving skills.
- Informed Decision-Making: Informed choices are crucial in health, finances, and relationships.
- Building Relationships: Knowledge enhances the ability to connect with others and fosters empathy.
- Inspiration: Learning from the achievements of others can spark creativity and motivation.
- Lifelong Learning: Commitment to lifelong learning keeps individuals engaged and curious.
- Social Responsibility: Informed individuals are more likely to engage in civic life and contribute to society’s betterment.
In summary, embracing knowledge is not just about accumulating facts and information but adopting a mindset that values learning curiosity, and the pursuit of wisdom. It leads to personal fulfillment, improved decision-making, and a more enriched, purposeful life. So, the next time someone asks a challenging question related to Islam, strive to consult reputable scholars, or if you don’t know, don’t hesitate to say, “I don’t know.”
The author is a motivational speaker. He can be mailed at akhoon.aubaid@gmail.com
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