The private lives of a lot of people have changed due to the onset of Covid-19. People have become short-tempered, moody, cranky and in a lot of cases aggressive. Psychology says that a person needs to meet a lot of people on a daily basis, needs to go to a bustling market a few times, and should enjoy nature also to live a normal happy life.
Covid-19 changed all that. We are now cooped up inside our homes for a good three months and most likely we may be snuggled up for another one or two months. All this time the married people have to spend with their spouses and with children sans any movement out of home. This creates a lot of tension sometimes and egos clash. One is surprised to see the same couple when the husband goes to office on a daily basis or the mother also goes to her office or caters to her day to day domestic chores. The constant presence of both partners in home for all 24 hours of the day leads to a lot of disputes which are sometimes noisy, sometimes aggressive and at times fatal.
Domestic cases have been rising and much like the mainland India Kashmir has proved to be non exception. Domestic violence is on rise in Kashmir and in the majority of the cases it is the wife who is at the receiving end of the violence. The wives get beaten, swore at and abused. In a lot of cases fatalities have also been observed. While the majority of the women endure all this silently a few brave women of late have not only complained to the legal authorities but also gone to press to reveal the brutal nature of their husbands.
However, there is still a stigma attached to complaining in such cases. Women prefer to stay quiet. This trend has to change because it emboldens other men also. Strictest possible punishment must be met out to men who do domestic violence on women at home. Women should not feel ashamed to go to town about the brutal treatment given to them by their husbands.
We hope things change. People need to take recourse to religion to see how sinful it is to beat or abuse one’s wife. May almighty show the right path to everyone of us.
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