We are in a lock-down. Probably the longest the world has seen in a century. There are families, some with a lot of uncles, aunties snuggled up in their homes with just one member buying provisions from market. No strolls in the nearby gardens. No going to salons. No discussions on the nook of lanes. No getting together. The world has shrunk into the four walls of our homes.
In this lock-down men usually have nothing of substantial to do at home and thus a good majority of them feel having a secondary importance at home. There have been cases where men did not take this thing sportingly. Cases of domestic violence where women are invariably the victims are on the rise in south-Asia and every day we hear of scores of women getting fatally injured at the hands of their husbands.
Even though in Kashmir the cases of domestic violence are few but still cases have been reported. Men and women should understand that this lock-down is a temporary period. Sooner things would get better. You can take an equally dominating position in your home by helping womenfolk in the daily chores. This way men can also get acquainted with the struggles that the women folk have to endure on a daily basis.
There need to be counselling sessions on Radio and DD Kashir about the importance of maintaining peace in families at this critical junction of our history. We must remember that Covid-19 is a once in a generation thing. It will test us on all fronts. We need to be patient and courteous to each other.
We can be hopeful that it would be no soon that we are out of woods. Let us respect each other’s mental space when we are crowded up 24*7 in the small space we call our home. Nothing is permanent, not even Covid-19.
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